Okay - that is a bold claim. I know there is no Committee on Leftists Ideals where I can be a fly on the wall and download their war plans. But - I can take a look at their rhetoric, actions, and projection and come up with a possible end game. Maybe I am right.
To start off, let me first describe what a Leftistm Right-Winger, and Centrist is to me.
A Leftist is someone who wants pure government control of everything as long as that government supports their ideals. They are not open to criticism of their ideals. They want anyone with different ideas to be labeled as evil and to be dealt with as such.
In contrast - Right-Wing is total anarchy where there is no government and everyone is our for themselves and 100% independent of any control or oversight.
A Centrist is someone who is for limited government with emphasis placed on individual rights and the government is there only to provide the minimum amount of defense to ensure that the rights of one individual do not encroach onto the rights of other individuals. All government should be focussed locally with only a minimal spanning control.
With these definitions out of the way, I can get started.
With the ever-deepening desire to pull the United States into the control of a few from afar, the Leftists need to make sure they have their control. This is how I have seen them tightening their grip.
Public Schools teaching College Prep forcing rural populations to send their children to the cities.
In all of our public schools, we are mandated by the Federal Department of Education to have a college preparatory based education. The tests and standards we have in place facilitate that type of educational programming.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 33% of all jobs in the USA require any type of post-secondary education. Of these jobs requiring post-secondary education, most of them are in densely populated cities.
Incidentally, we are seeing a migration of our population from rural areas to urban areas to find these hypothetical higher-paying jobs that require an expensive post-secondary degree offered by an institute of higher learning.
These institutes of higher learning are where the Leftists concentrate much of their energy on indoctrinating impressionable youth to the benefits of Leftist ideology. The students then leave the institutes of higher learning with a Leftist indoctrination, limited real-world education, and a sense of entitlement for a higher paying job in an urban area.
This is one part of the Leftists' agenda to make the world in their image.
Keeping minorities in concentrated areas
One of the greatest tragedies in Leftist history is what they have done to African Americans in the United States. The Leftists party, the Democratic Party is the party of slavery. They were defeated by the Republicans and had to give up their slaves.
The African Americans left the plantations and were given an opportunity to make it on their own. Many of the African Americans had agrarian backgrounds and became farmers and were self-sufficient. The Leftist ideology cannot abide by people being strong and independent. They must be dependent on the state of they cannot be controlled.
During WWI and WWII the Leftists saw their opportunity as the poor white Americans were sent off to fight in the wars. The Leftists moved the African Americans to provided housing near factories and built in a mandated labor force. When the war was over and the Leftists had taken many of the companies from individual owners and had given these nationalized companies to their friends, these companies moved. When the companies moved, they did not move the African Americans with them. Instead, the Leftists came in and said, "don't move, we will provide you with housing, and enough money to survive. All you need to do is vote for Democrats because we are going to give you the right to vote."
This allowed the Leftists to keep the minorities in a single place, give them the least amount of education allowed, make sure they had no job prospects, give them just enough welfare that they could not afford to leave, put minority watchers in place to make sure any minority who left the projects would be considered a sell-out, and pay certain minorities to represent the other minorities, but only if they voted for Democrats.
The second part of this plan was to not let the minorities breed themselves into a majority where they would realize they had the ability to be self-sufficient and did not need their Leftist taskmasters anymore. To help facilitate this they have used many tactics.
One tactic is Planned Parenthood opening clinics exclusively in minority neighborhoods where they offer free abortion to minority mothers to kill off nearly 1 million babies each year. This will keep the minorities as minorities and keep the Leftists in control.
Another tactic is the drug trade manifested and supported in the minority communities. This breeds a level of violence where minorities will kill off their own in record numbers. The Leftists use their ties within the media to ensure that nobody reports on this crime and showcases how that over 90% of gun-related crimes in the USA are in these minority project areas and are conducted from minority to minority. This is also where you have the largest number of drug-related deaths.
Developing a victim mindset
A key component to keeping people dependent on their taskmasters is to make sure they never develop the mindset that they can do things on their own.
A simple way to make sure this is done is to always provide an excuse for why someone is a victim and their inability to succeed is because someone else is keeping them down. The victim mindset also means that you need a savior. The taskmasters are the saviors. The Leftists need their base to be victims so that they can be the savior.
To ensure this happens the Leftists are professionals in finding someone else to blame for every problem in the world. Nothing is ever the responsibility of the individual and there is always a finger to point and someone else to blame.
Using School Lunch to develop a taste for the Government providing basic needs
Nobody is more susceptible to persuasion than a child. Leftists need to get their claws in early. To do this, they must get all children used to depending on the government to provide their basic needs. The easiest way to do this is by providing food.
School lunch is a daily reminder to children that they need to depend on the government to provide them with food. This helps to remove the thought that parents are the protectors and providers and that the government is the protector and provider.
Education comes from the government. Food comes from the government. Soon the parents become secondary and not required as long as the government is there to provide resources.
This dependent attitude is the basis of accepting the Leftist agenda or full and total government control of all aspects of life.
Creating labels for everyone to keep us always feeling separated
A great Leftist tool is labeling. The William Lynch speech is a great example of the Leftist ideology at work. The text suggests that slave owners adopt a method, which consists of exploiting differences such as age and skin color in order to pit slaves against each other. This method will "control the slaves for at least three hundred years.
This is the exact Leftist agenda now. The Leftists create as many labels as possible so that we can all see our difference instead of how we are all similar.
The most recent tactic to say there are more than two genders is the latest example of the Leftists plan to divide us all and keep us fighting each other so we cannot be self-sufficient and resist the government takeover of every aspect of our life.
More Examples - you just need to look
There are many more examples of the Leftist agenda, but I need to get back to work. I need to provide for my family and I cannot just depend on the government to do it for me. Oh - I should not say that too loud... that is not very Leftist of me.