I hear the world health care I do not think it adequately defines the system we
have in the US. Where it is true that people cannot be denied a ride in the
ambulance to the ER
... this is actually sick care .. not health care.
In the
US we focus most of our attention on sick care... how do we treat an illness
... but we focus very little on health care. The number one cause of
death in the US is heart disease. It
has been proven time and time again that smoking, poor nutrition, limited
exercise, and stress are the leading causes of heart disease yet in our society
there is nothing we do to incentivize anyone to eat healthy, exercise, stop
smoking, and reduce stress.
No major company sees an increase in profits and
thus an increase in politicians re-election campaign finances from the health
The sick care industry is a multi-trillion dollar per year phenom that no
politician dares to tackle or they will see an every growing war chest in their
prime political opponent.
Health care expenses in the United States rose from
$1,106 per person in 1980 ($255 billion overall) to $6,280 per person in 2004
($1.9 trillion overall).1 During this period, health care costs grew faster
than the economy as a whole. As a consequence, health spending now accounts for
16 percent of the GDP, compared to 9 percent in 1980. With the aging of the
population and the accelerating pace of medical innovation, this trend is
likely to continue.
So - in my opinion there is a solutions but I am not
holding my breath to see implementation. are you ready?
Tax unhealthy livings!!!
People have the freedom to eat whatever they want, smoke whatever they want,
drink whatever they want, and be as sedentary as they want... but it is all taxed.
- Go ahead and eat that Whopper ... oh - but there is a health tax of 12% on that item.
- Go ahead and smoke those cigarettes and cigars but don/t forget to pay your 12% health tax.
- I am not sure how we can tax not exercising but I am sure the politicians can find a way.
Then we use those taxes to promote
healthy living.
- Fresh vegetables in school lunches.
- Planting urban gardens in the inner city.
- State and City run fitness centers with discounted prices ...
or maybe even free
. - More walk ways and parks.
- Bike only highways.
- Bike friendly buses and trains.
- Community education on healthy living...
Of course - in order to push this through there would need to be
compromises. First the politicians would have to stop compromising their morals
and compromise some of their war coffers.
Then pharmaceutical companies and people who print handicap stickers for obese people would be loosing a lot of money once people started becoming healthier and going off of their medications.
I know you may call me a dreamer but maybe I'm not the only one.