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Al Qaeda and the Ashayish?

Recently I had the privilege to read an article by Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis that compared the Kurdish Ashayish to al Qaeda. To me this was a very interesting article because I have always viewed them as diametrically opposed institutions. If you do not know what the Ashayish or al Qaeda is then let me start with that.

According to their own website Al-Qaeda's objectives include the end of foreign influence in Muslim countries and the creation of a new Islamic caliphate. The name Al-Qaeda quite literally means camp and was created in Afghanistan when the Sunni Muslims were creating training bases for the mujahedeen (holy warriors) to fight against the Russians. These camps were created by the House of Saud and were funded in part by the US State Department (these actions were recently made into a movie called “Charlie Wilson’s War”).

The Ashayish are the security forces of the officially recognized Kurdish Regional Government of Iraq. The Ashayish were created as the intelligence wing of the Kurdish Peshmerga troops who were in turn created during the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman’s used the Kurdish warriors to man their security forces and many of these Kurdish soldiers were brought into elite mounted units that were tasked with protecting the Sultanate directly. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire the Kurds were briefly given their own empire and from this is where the Peshmerga name was first used. The Ashayish were created by the Peshmerga commanders to be an intelligence gathering network and to enforce order within the Kurdish territories.

Now that you have a little better understanding of what al-Qaeda and Ashayish are we can talk a little more about our good doctor’s article.

First of all I have many issues with Dr. Megalommatis’ article mainly due to his lack of references outside of articles written by Dr. Megalommatis. Statements are made that are not backed up by links to reputable sources, and a lot of “state rhetoric” is used from the Turkish nation. Little digging is needed to see that Dr. Megalommatis has anti Kurdish sentiment. One just has to look at his vita to see that much of his work on the Kurdish people has closely followed a Turkish political line. Now I am not saying that the good doctor is not entitled to his opinion… I would just prefer that he support the data he claims to be factual. I guess you can say I am not faulting his politics, just his research and reporting abilities. A quick review of many of his scholarly texts show a similar disregard for reported facts and a dogmatic clinging to ideology that has little or no place in scholarly works. For a bio put out by the good doctor himself please click on the following link

The article that caught my attention was one titled “US Cooperation with Asayish – the Al
Qaeda "Kurdish" Cell in Iraq”. You can see this article at the following link: I have included the good doctors post with my comments ascending from this post… if you are so inclined – read on. My comments are the writing in Blue…

US Cooperation with Asayish – the Al Qaeda "Kurdish" Cell in Iraq
Several recent developments in the Iraqi Turkmenia (Turkmenia is an area in which historically Turkemen people live. This area cuts a sash across Northern Iraq. People that share the same area with the Turkmen are the Yasidis and the Kurds. Arabs have never been historically in these area. Numbers have been adapted to fit whoever is in control at the time. During the Bathist regime both the Yasidis and Turkmen have been classified as Arabic. Now the Kurds count the Turkmen to be Kurdish.) seem unrelated to one another, but they definitely constitute parts of an overall deterioration plan that is expected to be unfolded over the next 2 – 3 years.

In this article, I included reports about three seemingly unrelated to one another developments – which are very must interconnected on some hidden agendas.

1. The severe degradation of the Human Rights conditions in the cruel KRG area in Northern Iraq (see below: The Kurdish Terror Showed Their Ugly Face Once Again, By Raiding of A Turkmen House)

A report composed by Mofak Salman makes state of a joint operation carried out by a group of U.S. force and the Kurdish security forces that are known as Asayish who have raided the home of a Turkmen citizen Nazim Suleiman Begoglu in the Turkmen city of Kerkuk. (There have been many raids in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk and nothing has been shown to conclude that these raids are pointed at a specific race of people.)

This group is totally uncontrolled by either the Talabani militias or the Barzani death squads; (The fact that it is not controlled by either the KDP or PUK is exactly what they are supposed to be. The Ashayish is supposed to answer directly to the KRG-Kurdistan Regional Government) it cooperates in close coordination with the Halabja based criminals who intend to impose Al Qaeda terror regime throughout territories taken from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey that they will call ´Islamic Caliphate´ in commemoration of Saladin´s legacy. (There is no basis for this accusation, and there is little mention of who the Halabja based people are. If they are Kurdish people that were attacked in the well-documented atrocities that took place in Halabja by the Bathist Regime then I am not sure they would be well represented by stating they are willing to see the return of a power that has already proven it will not treat them with good will. However the good doctor is correct in naming the greatest military commander in Islamic history to be of Kurdish decent. In case you do not know Saladin is the Muslim who drove the Christian Crusaders out of Jerusalem.)

2. The aggravation of the Ankara – Baghdad relationship over Kerkuk´s identity (see below: Turkey Feels Uneasy on Talabani´s Kirkuk Visit Statement)

The clash of interests between Turkey and the pseudo-president of Iraq, local agent of the Freemasonic interests of England, France, and the pro-European part of the US establishment, is truly grave; it is impossible to alleviate the existing nervousness between Ankara and Baghdad that Western institutions like the ICG try to assuage in order to avoid a dynamic Turkish reaction that would destroy their evil plans. (What – the freemasonic interests? I am very perplexed how this can be brought up into discussing the actions of a man that was born in Iraq, trained in Russia, and continued to fight in Iraq against the governments of Iraq and Iran while always receiving financial aid and training from the Russians. Jalal and the PUK are self-confessed Marxists. Hard to see the Freemasons having much to do with that.)

The fact that Ankara did not welcome the statement of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani that he and Turkish President Abdullah Gul would travel to Kerkuk shows that Turkey will never accept any role for any "Kurd" in Oil-rich Kerkuk, capital of Turkmenia. (This is the major portion of the argument here. The Turkmen people, the Kurds, and the Shia and Sunni Arabs want a part of Kirkuk and it’s oil wealth. Nothing else really matters. Each group claims access to this city. However if you look at the history of the city it is evident, and known to those who live there, that Kirkuk was built by Cyrus the Great during the Persian control of the area. Cyrus built Kirkuk for his new Jewish Rab-Magi Daniel who he called Belteshazzar. The tomb of Belteshazzar can still be seen in Kirkuk today.)

In fact, if visiting Kerkuk, Talabani risks leaving the place dead – and not due to Turkmen reaction but because of the plans of his uncontrolled subordinates. (This is very funny because Talabani has travelled in and throughout Kirkuk many times.. as have I, and I am a white American boy that speaks bad Kurdish and even worse Arabic. The posturing of the Turks on this issue is because they know the Turkmen minority in Kirkuk is a fact and Talabani asked them to come, look through the records, and show the Kurdish and Iraqi government where the mistake is. Remember Talabani is one of the Kurds that is speaking for a unified Iraq and does not want to part Iraq up. This is not the goal of Turkey. It would be very beneficial for Turkey to see Iraq separate… this would give them the perfect opportunity to expand their borders to encompass all of the Kurdish territories and the ones supposed to be populated with Turkmen people. This will give them control over a two major oil fields. Just as a second note, Turkmen people are not from Turkey… they are from Turkmenistan.)

3. The chaotic situation among the so-called "Kurdish" groups, militias, paramilitary and extremists (see below: Scores die in Iraq suicide blast)

The terrible events of last Thursday, when the target was a "Kurdish" restaurant on the way between Kerkuk and ca. 60 people died in a suicide attack, reveal that there is a silent opposition among the so-called ´Kurds´ and that their plans are to first support the creation of an independent ´Kurdistan´ (in order to obtain there full control of the situation) and then use the under machinated preparation "country" for their benefit – which obviously means Al Qaeda´s benefit. (Not sure why the good doctor has taken this tactic of joining the Kurds with Al-Qaeda. Everything that I have seen with the Kurds has been to treat any Al-Qaeda suspect with the harshest form of justice. The Kurdish Government has even gone so far as to outlaw Muslim clerics from calling the people to prayer in certain areas as it causes to much noise polition.)

The perpetrators of the terrible Kerkuk events are members of the Ashayish militias who are tele-guided from places outside Iraq´s territory – in Talabani´s and Barzanis´ unbeknownst. (Again – you cannot reference your own writings to prove a point… you might as well reference Wikipedia.)

Uncontrolled Asayish: the Al Qaeda Cell
The longer Talabani and Barzani are allowed to fallaciously represent a territory that is not theirs and a population that in its outright majority rejects them with the utmost resignation, (Anyone that spends any time in Northern Iraq can see that the Kurdish are the significant majority. The Kurdistan Autonomous Region was set up by Saddam Hussein. Anyone that was Kurdish and outside that region either had to move there, or call themselves Arabs… that was part of the Arabization policy… the Yasidis and Turkmen were also part of that move. Yet even with all Yasidi and Turkmen counted amongst the Arabs they still did not outnumber the Kurds… thus Saddam’s institution of the Arab migration to Kirkuk to bolster the numbers.) the better for the Ashayish it is. American military and Secretary Gates seem to are deeply involved into this game, openly collaborating with the Ashayish and thus offering them significant credibility among the imbecile and gullible thugs of both, Talabani and Barzani. (I wil admit that this is a very accurate description of many of the Ashayish that are working in Northern Iraq. They are mostly strong-arm soldiers that have family ties. Little education is given to their intelligence operatives but this is something that the Israeli Massad, the British MI6 and the US CIA are trying to help.)

In an earlier article entitled "US-Ally "Al Qaeda", White and Gray ´Kurdistan´, Turkey, Iran, and the ICG Report" (, I stated the following: (Again with using his own articles to prove his own point…)

According to this plan, the remnants of the Ilkhanid Mongols, after having lived for centuries among the various local peoples of the Zagros mountains and amalgamated among them, will be used (portrayed as ´Kurds´) to form an Islamist regime that will simply make the (currently visible but gullible and idiotic) Talabani and Barzani puppets vanish. The otherwise odd pattern of an Islamist leadership allied with the Frankish West and the West´s allies in the East, notably Armenia, has been attested already before 700 years – the times of the evil and barbaric Ilkhanid dynasty".In another article entitled "ICG Report, Turkey, Iraq, ´Kurdistan´, and the Nefarious, Age-Old Franco-Mongol Alliance" (, I specified the following: It will be comical to imagine that in case this state is formed, it will be ruled by Talabani and Barzani; these idiotic and pathetic pseudo-leaders are expendable trash that will be soon forgotten. (The good doctor is speaking of the current selection criterion to become a political leader… you must be a Peshmerga.. the only problem with that thinking is that those people who fled to Europe and received an education were not Peshmerga… many Peshmerga cannot read and have received little or no official training in much of anything. This means that the current method of selecting a leader will ensure that nobody who is educated will be able to become a leader until after the Peshmerga are all dead… this is not a good selection method and it will lead toward the nation failing.) Neither the Iranian nor the Turkish parts of the (truly speaking inexistent) Kurdistan will be allowed to provide the leadership of the evil state under formation.

The forthcoming iniquitous leader of Kurdistan will emanate from the restricted realm of Al Qaeda in the Iraqi Kurdistan, Halabja, which is so scrupulously protected by the imbecile Talabani puppet, and so mysteriously forgotten by the (otherwise feverishly ´reporting´ about anything) Freemasonic Western mass media. Those who are today uncontrolled in the Shinirwe mountain will spread apocalyptic terror in the Middle East when they will rule in a black colour flagged Kurdistan. (The only saving grace for this article is if the good doctor is trying to warn us that the Ashayish will surge away from the current ideology of Talabani and Barzani and instead cling to the ways of the Muslim Extremists that work with Al-Qaeda. If the good doctor is trying to warn the Europeans who back the Talabani and Barzani government of Northern Iraq… then this is a good warning. I have personally seen very little that would suggest that the Ashayish have the same power as Pakistan’s Intelligence Service – but this is a good thing to keep an eye on. If that is the will of the good doctor… then his intentions are great… yet the rest of his article does not lead one to think this was his intention.)

Ankara should monitor very carefully the developments in Shinirwe because Turkey is the primary target. Behind all the trash about a ´Kurdistan´, which is another French Anti-Turkish conspiracy, is hidden an ages old but momentarily forgotten, Franco-Mongol alliance. And the real force within a ´Kurdistan´ will be as Anti-Turkish as only an Ilkhanid can be". (I always find it very interesting when Turkish people conveniently intermingle Ottoman and Turkish history… The Ottoman Empire in modern history was allowed to be the “Sick Man of Europe” for as long as they were due to a perceived threat by the Russians to Europe. It was thought that keeping the Ottoman threat alive for the Russians meant that fewer resources could be utilized for possible wars with Europe. It was only after the Ottomans sided with the Russians in WWI that the European Allies decided that keeping the Ottoman Empire around was no longer a necessity. This led to the empowerment of the Young Turks and to the eventual creation of Turkey as a county by the French, English, and somewhat influenced by the Americans.)

In the light of the aforementioned, I called for immediate delineation of borderlines separating Turkmen, Aramaeans, Yazidis and others in Central and Northern Iraq, characterizing this as the only solution for ultimate peace and multi-lateral development in tyrannized Mesopotamia ("Save the Tyrannized Yazidis of Iraq from Al Qaeda and Gangsters Talabani – Barzani!" / More particularly, I stressed the following: (It is true that this is not a perfect system. The Kurds are currently conducting a government that does not treat the Yasidis, Assyrians, Armenians, Arabs, Turkmen, and Kurds as equals in the Kurdish Regional Government. However – they are treated better in the Kurdish controlled areas then they are treated in the rest of Iraq… and they are treated better then the Kurds of Eastern Turkey… at least they are allowed to speak their own language in schools and places of worship. That is more than can be said of Eastern Turkey where Kurdish people are not allowed to wear traditional clothes, or ever speak in their own language even in their own homes.)

The animosity against the Yazidis, who live in Iraq in their outright majority, (The Yasidis have an estimated 150,000 people in the Jebel Sinjar region of the Kurdish Controlled Area. With an estimated population of 6 – 7 million in Northern Iraq… 150,000 does not seem to be a majority.) is therefore double, ethnic and religious. It is absolutely sure that the formation of an Iraqi authority, called Kurdish Regional Government, directly threatens the very existence of the Yazidi Nation". (Under the Bathist regime the Yasidi were considered Arabic. The Kurdish Regional Government has officially declared the Yasidis as a protected minority group and has classified land as being solely Yasidi and under their control for how it is zoned for use… will show these truths.)

(More on the Yazidis could be found here: "What the Ominous ICG Report Did Not Say about the Fabrication of the so-called Nation of Kurds" -

All this gets better illuminated in the light of the tragic events of Kerkuk. These events are not isolated; they will be continued; they will be pursued with greater frequency and this has to be anticipated. The uncontrolled Asayish will eliminate the corrupt and coward pseudo-leaders Talabani and Barzani, as soon as they will have played their ´historical´ role: to help establish a "Kurdish" state which will the superior level of Freemasonry-inspired Islamism. Then, it will truly be too late to react. (I have heard people talk about the freemasons and blame them for anything that just does not seem to fit their will… however the part I find the most interesting is that the Freemasons have something called the Baja Temple.. every Shriner a Mason… and the Shriners find their basis in Morocco… why is this even something the good doctor is talking about. I have searched multitudes of articles and have found no connection between the Freemasons and this topic… Either the good doctor is a freemason that has first-hand knowledge of this conspiracy or he is making this up.)

Operate as if America does not exist… The only power that can react now against these evil plans is the Turkish army; the local groups are too weak and too divided in order to attempt a major project. And the current Turkish political leadership is too ignorant or too corrupt to conceptualize the apparently fragmentary events that are majestically interconnected indeed. (This is the current view of the neo-Ottoman Turks that are looking for Turkey to establish an Islamic empire and take back the Caliphate… They always call for the Turkish military to go into Iraq and take over the northern portions… it is in their best interest to ensure that peace is not found in Iraq and that the various sides do not find any common ground to work out their own problems… This is the purpose for the Turks to be massing any sort of opinion on the Kirkuk issue. It is just empirical expansionism of the old Ottoman Empire. This is the same reason why many Turks cannot seem to separate the Ottoman Empire from Turkey. It is comical when you speak with one of these neo-Ottomans as they always speak about the great things in the Ottoman empire as being part of the Turkish government… but whenever you bring up any of the bad stuff… they always are quick to say “oh.. that was the Ottomans… not the Turks…”)

The moment for the Turkish military to eliminate the unrepresentative Islamists is approaching; it will be a brief moment that has to be duly seized. If not, everything will collapse, Turkey will face a serious existential threat, and any late reaction, despite the eventually good intentions, will be detrimental of consequences. (Turkey currently has little or no viable threats to their security… they create a conflict with the PKK in-order to justify the amount of money they spend on their military… yet the PKK is just a small bank of insurgents that have AK-47’s and a rudimentary understanding of explosives that keep enough people afraid to allow the military to spend billions to defend against them. Yet the only thing the PKK is asking for is to be considered an official minority in Turkey and to be allowed to speak their own language… seems to be exactly what the good doctor is asking the Kurds to do for the Turkmen… interesting…)

There is one golden rule for the Turkish military to act either in Turkey or in Northern Iraq: to operate in concordance with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and to proceed as if America does not exist. The correct timing for action will be precisely when America will be impotent to react; that moment is very nigh, and when it happens, it will be obvious to all. (The Turkish Military is already inside of Iraq. During my travels in Northern Iraq I have seen hundreds of Turkish outposts and bases inside of Iraqi Kurdistan. I have seen Turkish tanks, helicopters, military vehicles, supplies, and troops. They Turkish military has been inside of Northern Iraq since the Kurdish Autonomous Region was established by Saddam in the 70’s. The Turks are looking for any reason to send more troops into Northern Iraq in order to make it part of Turkey. They used the PKK issue for a long time and now it is their intention to use the Kirkuk issue to see if they can get international support for the expansionist ideas.)

Scores die in Iraq suicide blast
A suicide bomber has killed at least 55 people in a Kurdish restaurant, about 5km north of the city of Kirkuk (a Turkmen city) in northern Iraq.

More than 100 people were also wounded in the explosion on Thursday, police said.

A suicide bomber has killed at least 55 people in a Kurdish restaurant, about 5km north of the city of Kirkuk (a Turkmen city) in northern Iraq.

More than 100 people were also wounded in the explosion on Thursday, police said.

Iraqi and US security forces have sealed off the area.

The bombing near the ethnically mixed city came during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. The restaurant was full of people eating lunch, with more people present than usual due to the four-day holiday, Jamal Tahir, police chief of Kirkuk, said.

Among the dead are women and children as the bomber blew himself up inside the family section," Ahmad Saleh, an Iraqi journalist who was near the scene of the blast, told Al Jazeera.

The restaurant is a very popular one and has many foreign workers. Government officials also go there frequently," he said.

Ethnic tensionsKurdish official said Arab tribal leaders were in the restaurant at the time of the attack, having lunch with members of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, the party of Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi president.

They were due to attend a meeting with Talabani after the lunch to discuss ways to defuse tensions among Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen in the Kirkuk area.

One official from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan was killed, a spokesman said.

The reason behind Thursday´s bombing was not immediately clear.

Kirkuk, the centre of Iraq´s northern oil fields, has seen fewer attacks than other regions in Iraq but remains the focus of years of competition and political wrangling among ethnic groups, including Arabs and Kurds, with rival claims to the city.

Both groups want control Kirkuk, the Kurds as part of a breakaway territory with the surrounding Tamim province and their own self-ruled region in northern Iraq.

The Abdullah restaurant where the attack occurred is on the main road from Irbil to Kirkuk and is popular with Kurdish officials moving to and from the nearby Kurdish region.

It is affiliated with another Kurdish restaurant of the same name which was attacked by a car bomb in 2007. Six people died due to that blast.

(Aljazeera)Turkey Feels Uneasy on Talabani´s Kirkuk Visit Statement

Ankara did not welcome the statement of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani that he and Turkish President Abdullah Gul would travel to Kirkuk, Milliyet daily reported citing presidential office sources.

Talabani´s declaration was interpreted as efforts by the Iraqi party to include Kirkuk in Gul´s planned Baghdad visit, the report said.

According to reports on Friday, Talabani was reported as saying he and Gul were planning to visit Kirkuk together on Dec.20.

Turkish Presidential sources had earlier confirmed that a visit to Iraq was on the agenda, adding there was no clear date. However sources did not mention a possible visit to Kirkuk during Gul´s planned trip.

The announced visit may be postponed if Turkish President Abdullah Gul, who currently has an ear infection, is not cleared by doctors to fly, the newspaper also said.

The proposed visit is seen as the part of recent efforts to boost bilateral ties between Turkey and Iraq. Turkey has intensified direct contacts with both the Iraqi central government and the regional Kurdish administration in northern Iraq to discuss possible measures that can be taken in the fight against the terror organization PKK.

(Hurriyet)The Kurdish Terror Showed Their Ugly Face Once Again, By Raiding of A Turkmen House
By Mofak Salman, (Mofak Salman is the Turkmenali Party Leader in Ireland and the UK... he was not in Iraq during this occurance and is only reporting the backhanded story repeated to him. Searching for this information in the US Military logs or looking for these individuals listed amongst Kirkuk City police records yields nothing... and the Kirkuk City Police are Arabs that have no allegiance to the Kurds.) Turkmeneli Party Representative for Both Ireland and United Kingdom

On the 5th of November 2008 a group of U.S. force accompanied by Kurdish security forces that are known as Asayish have raided the home of a Turkmen citizen Nazim Suleiman Begoglu in the Turkmen city of Kirkuk, district of Althbat ".

According to the member of the family who was present in the house during the raid, the U.S. force, accompanied by a group of Kurdish security forces "Asayish" broke doors in the house at around half an hour after mid-night.

They entered the house after smashing the main gates and doors then they arrested two of their sons Nabil Nazim Suleiman, aged thirty years and his brother Zakaria Nazim Suleiman of twenty-eight years respectively and who worked in a shop selling electrical appliances in downtown Kirkuk.

During the raid on the Turkmen home by the US occupied forces that accompanied by the Asayish. The Asayish were wearing Balla Clava, with a Kurdish flag on the arm of their uniform and they spoke with a different Kurdish accent.

The Asayish and American forces destroyed their furniture, contents of the house, smashed doors and windows and randomly fired bullets using automatic machine guns inside the house in order to terrify the innocent unarmed Turkmen family.

They moved all the members of the family into a single room and they tied their hands behind their backs and faced to the wall. The children and the females were body searched and this is utterly unacceptable in the culture and the tradition of the Islam and the in the Turkmen culture especially. This criminal act was implemented on the hand the Asayish and US forces despite the assurances that were given from the central government and officials not to raids the homes of the citizens without having warrant issue.

According to the information that has been released, the raided forces have requested from the frightened Turkmen family to show them their savings and jewelry, the family did so under the force of a gun. As the result of this US forces and Asayish stole their savings and jewelry during the raid and this matter should be urgently investigated by the US occupied forces in Kirkuk who are mainly responsible for the safety, security and the stability.

After the incident the Turkmen family have approached the police in Kirkuk, political organizations and the Kirkuk governor Mustafa Abdullrahman who is a Kurd and being appointed by the USA forces for help and assistance. A promises and assurance were given to the Turkmen family by the Kirkuk governor to investigate the incident and to secure their release but unfortunately no proper action has been taken to secure their release.

The arbitrary arrests of the two brothers, Zakaria and Nabil Nazim Suleiman Begoglu by the Asayish and US occupied forces are a clear violation of human rights. They are still detained and being imprisoned by the occupied forces and no one knows where they are imprisoned. The most striking thing is that, the family of the detainees have not been given any reason for their arrest and have not been given access for a lawyer.

Turkmen of Iraq call upon the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri AlMaliki, Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Journalists Union, all Iraqi and international organizations defending the human rights and freedom to move immediately to the authorities of the Iraqi government at the highest levels for the protection of the Turkmen, Arabs and Assyrian from the Kurdish oppression that are carried by Kurdish terror forces that is known as Asayish in North of Iraq and also calls for the removal of the Asayish from Turkmen city of Kirkuk and to be replaced with forces from the central government and consisting of Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians and Kurds.

1] Turkmen: The Iraqi Turkmen live in an area that they call "Turkmenia" in Latin or Turkmeneli" which means, "Land of the Turkmen. It was referred to as "Turcomania" by the British geographer William Guthrie in 1785. The Turkmen are a Turkic group that has a unique heritage and culture as well as linguistic, historical and cultural links with the surrounding Turkic groups such as those in Turkey and Azerbaijan. Their spoken language is closer to Azeri but their official written language is like the Turkish spoken in present-day Turkey. Their real population has always being suppressed by the authorities in Iraq for political reasons and estimated at 2%, whereas in reality their numbers are more realistically between 2.5 to 3 million, i .e. 12% of the Iraqi population. (This information is taken from a website called "Turkmen Liberations in Iraq" and this site is posted by a European Turkmen that has never even been to Iraq)

2] Turkmeneli is a diagonal strip of land stretching from the Syrian and Turkish border areas from around Telafer in the north of Iraq, reaching down to the town of Mendeli on the Iranian border in Central Iraq. The Turkmen of Iraq settled in Turkmeneli in three successive and constant migrations from Central Asia, this increased their numbers and enabled them to establish six states in Iraq. (This is an area of land that is recognized by the Turkmen nation but has never been officially recognized by any government of Iraq or any international governing body.)

3] Asayish is an unrecognized and illegitimate force that is utilized by both Kurdish parties to terrorize innocent civilian people. They are used to kidnap and kill people who defy the Kurdish aspiration for establishing a Kurdish state. (The Kurdistan Regional Government is a legitimate government recognized by the Iraq Central Government and the Coalition Forces. The Ashayish is an officially recognized portion of that government.)


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