What do you mean HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY man?!?!?! Don’t you know that Memorial Day is when we remember our fallen heroes? Yes, I know. And as someone who has spent decades surrounded by those who have written a check payable to the American People for an amount up to and including their own life . . . Trust me when I say - those who have had that check cashed in full - do not want you moping around on Memorial Day. They want you shooting fireworks. They want you having fun. They want you spending time with friends and family. They want you telling stories about them. Tell how they lived. And if the story is good enough - tell how they died. Now - don’t be afraid to shed a tear. Get with some brothers and remember someone who is not hear with us any more. Remember those whose wounds were so deep and dark and hidden that they took their own life as they never really left that battlefield. Watch some parades. Visit a memorial site. Go to the Veterans Cemetery near you a...
In the USA we focus on higher education instead of hire education. This has led to use having a veritable army of educated idiots who cannot do much of anything and have very few marketable skills. With the creation of the federal Office of Education in 1867 to collect information on schools and teaching that would help the States establish effective school systems. Then in 1941 the Lanham act and in 1944 with the GI Bill, there became a lot more money pushed by the federal government for 4-year universities and the boom was off. Universities started popping up everywhere and offering easier and lax degrees to cater to those who now had money, but did not have the intellectual capabilities to obtain a degree with meaning and substance. This was only spurred on in 1958 with the NDEA as an American response to Sputnik. The intention was to create a more educated populace that could invent and build the newest technology and beat the Russians to the moon and...