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Showing posts from June, 2020

I question the concept that American Soldiers are defending my freedom.

Okay - break out the pitchforks, torches, and hang me in effigy. Yet before you do so, please note that I am an American Veteran. I served my country from 1996 to 2006 in the US Navy. After leaving the Navy I spent all of 2007 in Iraq working with military programs and from 2008-2015 I was a US Military Contractor. I fully support the USA and if the US military called me to serve again, I would do so. This still does not change my question of the concept that American Soldiers are defending my freedom. In 1775-1783 the traitors to the English crown in the American colonies fought a way for freedom against their dictators, eventually winning the war and being able to broker a deal that slowly won the approval of other countries to recognize the United States of America. in 1776 the United Stated of America was also fighting Indian wars against the people who lived in this land before we claimed it as ours and wrested it from the hands of the