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Showing posts from August, 2019

I Figured Out the Leftists' Agenda

I Figured Out the Leftists' Agenda in the USA Okay - that is a bold claim.  I know there is no Committee on Leftists Ideals where I can be a fly on the wall and download their war plans. But - I can take a look at their rhetoric, actions, and projection and come up with a possible end game. Maybe I am right.  To start off, let me first describe what a Leftistm Right-Winger, and Centrist is to me.  A  Leftist  is someone who wants pure government control of everything as long as that government supports their ideals. They are not open to criticism of their ideals. They want anyone with different ideas to be labeled as evil and to be dealt with as such.  In contrast -  Right-Wing  is total anarchy where there is no government and everyone is our for themselves and 100% independent of any control or oversight.  A  Centrist  is someone who is for limited government with emphasis placed on individual rights and the government is there only to provide the minimum amo