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Showing posts from October, 2013


When I hear the world health care I do not think it adequately defines the system we have in the US. Where it is true that people cannot be denied a ride in the ambulance to the ER  ... this is actually sick care .. not health care .  In the US we focus most of our attention on sick care... how do we treat an illness ... but we focus very little on health care.   The number one cause of death in the US is heart disease . It has been proven time and time again that smoking, poor nutrition, limited exercise, and stress are the leading causes of heart disease yet in our society there is nothing we do to incentivize anyone to eat healthy, exercise, stop smoking, and reduce stress.  No major company sees an increase in profits and thus an increase in politicians re-election campaign finances from the health industry.  The sick care industry is a multi-trillion dollar per year phenom that no politician dares to tackle or they will see an every growing war chest in their p

Affordable Care Act

There has been a lot of discussion about the Affordable Care Act ( Obama-Care ) and its implementation.  Much has been said about the less than exemplary role out of the site but that is to be expected when the government does anything.  Where my issue lays is that I do not see where the ACA actually helps lower health care costs. The ACA was sold to us as being able to do the following: Provide Health Insurance for those who could not get it before Reduce the overall cost of Health Care Decrease the burden on our hospitals for treating those without insurance From what I can see it does not do many of these things.  Let's take a look one by one. Provide Health Insurance for those who could not get it before The law does stipulate that no insurance plan can be sold that does not allow for coverage of preexisting conditions.  This promise has been fulfilled.  The question is - will these plans be affordable? From what I have seen the plans for most pe