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Showing posts from September, 2009

What does increased government spending lead too?

Increasing government spending will require an increase in taxes. Anyone who has even the simplest understanding of math will grasp that concept. So with the Democrats’ intent to increase spending where do they plan to get the money? Obama says they will get all of this money by increasing the taxes on those who make more then $250,000 per year and by eliminating business loop-holes to hide money from the tax-collectors. This way Obama is keeping his promise to the Middle-Class by taking from the rich and giving to the middle. This situation as I explained it seems to be a great plan, so I decided to look into it further to see what history has shown us happens in situations like this and how it could pop-up in the future. First I wanted to look at what increasing the amount of taxes that are taken from those who are making a salary of over $250,000/year would do. These households that make more then $250k per year are less then 1.5% of the population. In the past when similar me