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Showing posts from February, 2007

It pays to be differnt when differnt pays

There is a group of thought that I really respect. A lot of this has been cultured by a great group of people that teach at the Wizard Academy in Buda, Texas. I owe a lot of the refining of my thoughts and theories to them. They mainly deal with business or business related items but I have found that they are very beneficial to me in just my daily living. Some of the comments that they have made that really stick with me are the following. Anything worth doing is worth doing wrong. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. If you want to be different then everyone else you can’t do it by being normal. You have to be willing for your dream to die, ignore that it’s dead, and push through anyway. If you believe it can’t be done, you’re right. You have to be willing to make a fool out of yourself to do something that has never been done before. I have seen many people go through this school and do great things. People have tur